Environmental Solutions
Air Scrubbers
With increasing concern about the environment, it is becoming common that planning regulations require the use of equipment to reduce the the impact poultry production on the environment by reducing ammonia, odor and fine dust.
As air leaves the building through extraction fans, it enters the ‘air scrubber’ where it passes through a water curtain and is washed before being expelled to the outside environment. To maintain good water quality for maximum performance, a connectivity sensor measures the nitrogen in the water and when too high, instructs a valve to send the concentrate to a waste tank. This means the system can continue to run and requires minimal maintenance. The remaining water continues to circulate being heated by the washed air. This heat energy can be later used to condition air for optimal climate back in the building.
These air scrubbers have a large surface area or filter. Air resistance is low, meaning energy consumption of the fans is significantly lower. A unique pumping technique for the rinsing water ensures continuous irrigation of the air scrubber, keeping it completely clean. The pump technology also ensures lower energy costs, because the hydraulic dimensions of the pipe and nozzles mean less water resistance.
This type of Air Scrubber is the first to be DLG certified in the UK. This certification involves testing to ensure the technology used delivers reduction in ammonia and dust of over 90% and of odour to 40%.